Rediscovering yourself outside of Motherhood and Religion


Growing up in a religious community, Laura had followed what she thought was expected of her- she married young and had 4 babies back to back. Realizing she no longer aligned with the culture and doctrine, she left her church and is now on a journey of discovering who she is as a woman, not just a wife and mother.

in her words

“Motherhood is not what I thought it would be… period. It’s beautiful in so many ways but it’s so hard in ways that I didn’t know that it was going to be hard. I struggle the most with my identity. Like, who am I outside of a mom, really? How can I better myself outside of being a mom? Does that even matter? Or is it just all about my children and raising them and making them happy, and helping them grow to up be sufficient citizens? But then you kind of lose sight of who are you, and that’s the hardest part.”



